Our Projects
Currently, there are several projects undergoing to facilitate biodiversity conservation as well as promoting biodiversity restoration along the shorelines at various locations in Hong Kong. We also have several successful projects completed. Check out more below!
CEDD Trial
This is the first project in Hong Kong to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of eco-shoreline features. We deployed several imported features in Mai Liu Shui, Sai Kung, and Lung Kwu Tan. The results show that eco-engineered features can successfully enhance marine biodiversity!

Tsuen Wan Project
This project aims to investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of implementing eco-shoreline features on seawalls at Tsuen Wan Promenade to enhance marine biodiversity and establish the scientific basis so as to gain experience in ecoshoreline implementation for busy harbour areas such as Victoria Harbour.
This project investigates the effectiveness of applying oyster shell reefs in increasing habitat complexity, so as to promote biodiversity and ecosystem functions in the marine ecosystem of the undisturbed area in Sham Wan..

Airport Eco-shoreline Project
This project aims to investigate whether implementing eco-blocks can enhance marine biodiversity in the low intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of a sloping seawall at the Third Runway System of Hong Kong International Airport.
Taishan Project
Ecoshoreline features are rare in China, so we gave it a try in Taishan! On top of conventional seawalls and artificial boulder shores, we constructed some eco-shoreline features like rock pools, eco-blocks, and mangrove plantations to protect the shoreline, enhance biodiversity, and habitat connectivity.

Siu Ho Wan Ecoshoreline
Siu Ho Wan is one of the first ecoshorelines in Hong Kong. We evaluated the biodiversity enhancement in CEDD's Siu Ho Wan ecoshoreline trial design and presented our findings in BECoME 2022.
Hoi Ha Wan Project
The Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park is one of the significant marine conservation sites nourishing a variety of fauna and floral species. This project aims to compare the biodiversity of Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park between 2006 and 2022 by using the transect and quadrant sampling method. The study will distribute valuable information on the change in biodiversity within these 16 years.